Saturday 24 May 2014

School time kids!

On the 28th April, the kids would have been going back to school, and so this was to be their first day of home schooling… 

Enthusiasm was a little on the low side, but commitment from Mum got it afloat. Sal had arrived with a ton of stuff from IGS designed to keep the kids on course. Combine this with Mathletics and other such literacy programs on the net plus reading at least a chapter a day to Dad and we are happy that they are probably getting more than they would at school. Not to mention, the new language, the food, the independence of being able to cycle into town, the sailing….

I was really concerned about the kids. How would they cope without friends? How would they entertain themselves while Sal and I got all this stuff done? 

Well, they are out of their skin. Once the schooling is out of the way, they’re off. 

Summer hardly knew how to ride a bike when we left Aus, we bought both her and Will a BMX and within a few days she was into it. We have had a few interesting traffic incidents, particularly related to the fact that they drive on the other side of the road here. Some bumps and scrapes… in fact they both look like they live barefoot in a quarry, but we now spend so much time with them compared with being at home and they seem to be so content. Long may it last and Sal needs to be wrapped here, she is doing an amazing job.

So the schooling started with one child, one on one with Mum whilst other child read to Dad. It has evolved. Mum has worked out that she can set one child up with a task and then move onto the other, effectively halving the time it takes and thus avoiding the inevitable and daily argument as to who goes first. Dad just has to find the reading time for each of them.

Mum looking every inch the part!

Summer, the enthusiastic student

William faking enthusiasm. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha Will. And yes, Sal looks every inch the School Ma'am
