I called the insurers ($1.00 a minute) and got straight onto somebody who was across the Greek law changes, they amended the document while we spoke, emailed a copy to me, faxed a copy to the port Authorities in Levkas and I was on their doorstep at 9:00 sharp. We had anticipated a 3 hour rigmarole... well between the Port Authorities and the Custums doods I had my Transit Log and was back on the boat before 10:00!
The Transit Log is the 'essential' document which is like an internal Greek passport for the boat. Every time you arrive at a port you take it to the port police and they check it all and stamp it to show you have in fact transitted their port.... I have yet to see, meet, encounter in any way the port authorities in any of the ports we have arrived at? So much for all the horror stories I read before we started this voyage... Who knows, it may all kick in when the season kicks in. That'll be in June.
Sal had a few things t do like collect her bike from the bike shop as it needed
some 'new bike' tightening up. Take Summer's to the bike shop for a new tube, do some grocery shopping but by 11:30 we fired up, untied and were away. Destination Gaios on Paxos Island on a perfect South easterly blowing 10-15 knots.
We got through the bridge at 12:00 out into open water and up went the sails. It is always a great feeling when you shut down the motors and all you can hear is the swish as the two hulls cut through the water and Sal brewing a nice cuppa tea!
Ten minutes of that and the wind just died. Down came the sails, on with the
motors for a still not unpleasant 5 hour run concluding in a perfect Med Mooring
right in the centre of Gaios on what is the beautiful island of Paxos.
I am unable to caption these photo's on this iPad. So...
Shot 1 - is William the street urchin having his breakfast
Shot 2 - med moored in Gaios to an centre
Shot 3 - flower arrangement by Summer Amy
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